• Sopitch Sukcharoen
  • Aphirak Thitinaruemit


In the highly competitive of globalization, it is vital for Information technology offices of Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University to provide quality enhancement of information technology training programs and communication tools effectively to increase level of productivity and business decision making. The quality enhancement of information technology training programs must be productive in terms of time, cost, and productivity. The organization that offer effective training programs often have an increase in production, sales, and profit as well as low employee turnover rate. The objectives of this study were to examine the level of satisfaction in two areas quality of training programs and outcome of the training programs. This study utilized both quantitative and qualitative research method in order to provide answers for the research questions and research objectives. A total of 145 students who were in computer labs for trainings at the first quarter of the year 2018. Data collection was performed to obtain their information. About ten of office managers was selected to conduct an in-depth interview to obtain more insight information of how to improve communication tools. Statistical description and analysis were done by utilizing SPSS program. Mean, and standard deviation were used for data analysis. The findings of this investigation revealed that the majority of students had a high level of satisfaction with a mean of 4.53 on the quality of training programs. However, the majority of students has only a medium level of satisfaction with a mean of 3.22 on the outcome of training programs. Suggestion from the study included seven steps to create successful training. Step one is to assess organizational training and develop needs. Step two is to define the training objectives. Step three is to have training program design. Step four is to have training program development. Step five is to have training program implementation. Step six is to have an evaluation of the training program. Finally, the final step is to make an adjustment of training program.
