INTERNATIONAL ACADEMIC MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH CONFERENCE IN LOS ANGELES 2019 <p>Conference Proceedings of<br>INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE BUSINESS EDUCATION SOCIAL SCIENCES<br>TOURISM AND TECHNOLOGY IN LOS ANGELES 2019<br>Los Angeles, United State of America<br>11 - 13 December, 2019<br>Edited by Kai Heuer, Wismar University, Germany<br>Chayanan Kerdpitak, ICBTS Research &amp; Publication, USA<br>Nitaigour Premchand Mahalik, California State University, Fresno, USA<br>Bob Barrett, American Public University, USA<br>Vipin Nadda, University of Sunderland, United Kingdom<br>Published by ICBTS Conference Center<br>225 Wilmington, West Chester Pike,<br>Chadds Ford, PA 19317, USA</p> en-US (Dr. Chayanan Kerdpitak) Sat, 14 Mar 2020 14:48:01 +0700 OJS 60 STRATEGIES, WORK SYSTEMS AND MANAGEMENT AFFECTING THE EFFICIENCY OF LOW-COST AIRLINES SERVICING. <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; The research objectives represented the study of Strategies, work systems and management affecting the efficiency of low-cost airlines servicing. The research methodology represented the quantitative approach; the population was the low-cost airlines’ passengers on the Bangkok Airport (Donmuang) and large numbers with infinite population. The unknown number of sample size was determined by W.G. Cochran with confidence level 0.95 and statistical errors level 0.05 and represented 384 sample group of passengers. The data collection was made on sample group of three low-cost airlines, Nok Air, Thai Lion Air and Thai Airasia with multiple regression on data analysis. The research finding found that the convenience, on board service procedures, current technology, courtesy and reliance affected by servicing efficiency.</p> Nopadol Burananuth Copyright (c) Fri, 13 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700 SERVICE QUALITY RELATED WITH HEALTHY SPA SERVICE’S SATISFACTION OF CHINESE TOURISTS IN CHIENGMAI PROVINCE. <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;These research objectives aimed to study 1) the service quality of the healthy spa in Chiengmai Province 2) the healthy spa service’s satisfaction of Chinese tourists in Chiengmai Province 3) the relationship between the service quality and the decision making in choosing the healthy spa of Chinese tourists in Chiengmai Province. The instrument of the quantitative research represented the questionnaire, the research population represented Chinese tourists who chose the healthy spa service in Chiengmai Province. The 384 sample sizes were determined with the unknown number of populations, the statistical approaches represented by mean, standard deviation and Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient. The research finding represented 1) the high level of mean in overall service quality aspects and the most level represented the responsive, tangibles, reliability, empathy assurance, respectively 2) the high level of statistical mean in overall tourists satisfaction aspects and the most level represented the equitable service, continuous service, progressive service, ample service, timely service, respectively 3) the service quality on the tangibles, reliability, responsive, assurance and empathy related with the healthy spa service’s satisfaction of Chinese tourists in Chiengmai Province.</p> Pornkul Suksod Copyright (c) Fri, 13 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700 SUCCESSFUL QUALITY FACTORS ON PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION DEVELOPMENT. <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;The research objectives represented to study the successful quality factors on public administration development and factors relating the quality development of public administration. The research methodology represented the qualitative approach through documentary research and group interviewing, the studied topics focused on the quality development of public administration. The studied population of 35 administrators represented from purposive sampling of the administrators who held their positions not less than ten years in various of ministries and departments. The research instrument represented group interviewing with the questions and interview in the group, classified the data to each topic and reviewed to illustrate the research question topics. The documentary research represented the evidence-based document that complied with the research questions and reviewed according to the in-depth interview. The finding found the quality development of public administration comprised with seven components of 1) the administrators’ assessment 2) policies planning 3) clients and stakeholders orientation 4) measurement, analysis, knowledge management and alternatives evaluation 5) human resources orientation 6) procedures making 7) operational results.</p> Natnaporn Aeknarajindawat Copyright (c) Fri, 13 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700 MARKETING GUIDELINE FROM FACTORS AFFECTING ENTREPRENEURSHIP OF HARP’S TRADING. <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;The objectives of this qualitative research were to study the strength, weakness, opportunity and threat of harp’s trading with the analysis of factors that influenced the harp’s trading and applied to be the marketing guidelines. The data collection represented in-depth interviewing with the potential dealers and traders.<br>The finding found that the overview of harp trading in Bangkok on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of entrepreneurs and marketing mix on harp’s trading. The crucial findings were the marketing mix such as product, price, place and promotion that influenced the demand of the harp to the targeted customer especially specified topics of the research contributed the finding to the development guidelines for harp business and meet targeted customer needs. The sample of harp traders prioritized the mutual of the advertising that the finding of this research, researchers performed the application of marketing guidelines through the efficient public relation media on harp trading such as the application of marketing guidelines.</p> UEA-UMPORN TIPAYATIKUMPORN Copyright (c) Fri, 13 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700 DEVELOPMENT QUALITY OF LIFE WITH SUSTAINABLE HAPPINESS: A STUDY OF WHITE-COLLAR’S QUALITY OF WORK LIFE. <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; The research objective aimed to study the quality of life with sustainable happiness. The research methodology approached with mixed methods that combined the document research with qualitative research. The qualitative approach represented in-depth interviewing by the questionnaire. The population represented white-collar workers who have more than ten years’ experience with the salary and welfare under labor law. The sampling group was selected by selecting ten participants by selective sampling. Data were collected by interviewing and then interviewed according to the constructed interview form. The data analysis was made by data classifying and extracted information to be relevant information for answering research questions. The document research was embraced from research papers, articles, related theories and then synthesized together with qualitative research.<br>The finding found that making quality of work life was essential and crucial, the quality of work life in the manner of satisfaction influencing the performance and motivated for working needs that influenced the efficiency and increasing the productivity. These results led to be achievement of individual and organizational goals in addition to the overall economy of the country.</p> Kanjana Potivichayanont Copyright (c) Fri, 13 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700 THE MANAGEMENT OF BIOGAS POWER PLANTS FROM ENERGY CROPS TO COMMUNITY BENEFITS. <p>The research objectives represented 1) to study the management on biogas power plants from energy crops at the present 2) to examine factors influenced the management of biogas power plants from energy crops. The qualitative research methodology approached with in-depth and focus the group interviewing. The purposive sampling of 30 participants were divided into two groups 1) the energy crops farmer 2) the officers in energy sectors, the biogas power plants’ executive.<br>The research finding found that the energy situation in Thailand and worldwide represented increasing trend every year. Therefore, renewable energy would be solved the energy crisis that contributed to reduce the import of fuel, natural gas and other energy. Napier grass remained an alternative in transformation to renewable energy for electricity generation. Thailand represented an agricultural country and high potential of Napier grass cultivation in Maetaeng district, moreover, Napier grass was a high potential raw material to generate electricity with environmentally friendly to the community. If the government supported the plantation area and developed Napier grass to be a renewable energy crops that contributed to alleviate the country's energy crisis in the future.<br>The crucial variables of Napier grass power plants represented the policies and governmental supporting because the crucial roles of government sectors contributed to the sustainability of community and bio-energy producers. If the official policies changed and discontinued, that affected with the investment and energy crops farmers, because the entrepreneurs and farmers lacked of confidence to further investment. Therefore, government sectors should promote the distinct policies and strike the private investment.</p> Panisala Bussaratrakul Copyright (c) Fri, 13 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700 FACTORS INFLUENCING THE PURCHASE OF VOLUNTARY CAR INSURANCE IN BANGKOK AND PERIMETER. <p>The research objective represented to examine the factors influencing the purchase of voluntary car insurance in Bangkok and perimeter, The variables of qualitative research represented the decision making process, service quality and marketing mix 7P’s. The population represented the purchaser who bought the voluntary insurance in Bangkok and perimeter more than continually ten years, the 30 samples were classified and interviewed on the focus group. The research instrument represented the group interviewing and collecting data, the answers were screen into the specific topics and reviewed to illustrate specified research questions.<br>The finding found that the purposes of the purchase in voluntary car insurance represented the necessary and legal enforcement in addition the crucial determined factors of 7P’s of marketing mix such as product, price, place, promotion, people, physical evidences and process and also the service quality. These factors represented the crucial factors to determine in the purchasing decision making.</p> Jarupan Poraponchainan Copyright (c) Fri, 13 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700 FACTORS INFLUENCING ON CREDIT CARD ANALYSIS OF NON-BANK FINANCE INSTITUTES. <p>The research objectives represented 1) to examine the credit analysis’s process of non-bank institutes 2) to examine the factors that influenced the credit analysis of non-bank institutes. The qualitative research represented the in-depth interview and observation as the instruments. The population and samples consisted of 20 executives, managers and credit analysts of non-bank institutes by purposive selection method, the data collection was made with in-depth interview and observation on the detail of working procedures and synthesis the specified data to answer the research question.<br>The finding found that the credit card issuer companies who issued the credit card and performed the utilization to the card holders in term of bill payment that credit card service provider issuers opened the credit line with other firms. The credit card issuers gained the benefits in term of issuing fee, new entrant fee, annual fee and other fees such as cash advance fee, interest receivable fee, delay penalty fee and clearing fee on payment. Therefore, the credit card issuers accepted all risk in the case of unable to collect the debt of credit card holders. Credit analysis results came from the customer document analysis, completed document, personal credit information, income, monthly expenses of customers and most significantly, the ability of credit analysts that the mistake in analysis due to reject the credit card application.</p> Salisa Chinsuk Copyright (c) Fri, 13 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700 FACTORS INFLUENCING ELECTRONIC PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT OF FINANCIAL INSTITUTES IN THAI BANKING ASSOCIATION. <p>The research objectives represented 1) to study electronic personal data protection management and development of financial institutes in Thai Banking Association 2) to study the factors influencing electronic personal data protection management and development of financial institutes in Thai Banking Association. This research represented qualitative approach on the in-depth and focus group on interviewing, the population consisted of financial institutes, financial association and the head of government agencies. The sample represented purposive sampling of ten agencies, the participants who were the head of government agencies, financial institute and financial association executives. The interviewing data were obtained from executives of selected agencies and then synthesized to be specified information for research answering.<br>The finding found government agencies paid attention to the personal data protection by issuing the legislation on electronic transactions including personal data access in addition, factors influencing the electronic personal data protection management and development of financial institutions in the Thai Banking Association consisted of 1) the governmental policies consisted of the guidelines of legislation on personal data and privacy protection 2) the public participation consisted of the technological capability and 2) technological capability.</p> Thawat Sairahu Copyright (c) Fri, 13 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700 PROBLEMS AND OBSTACLES OF INSTANT GARLIC PRODUCTS DEVELOPMENT IN UPER NORTHERN 1 AREA. <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;The research objectives aimed to study problems and obstacles of instant garlic products in the Upper Northern area, the research methodology represented qualitative approach through in-depth interviewing. The population comprised of garlic farmers, community leaders and relevant government officers in the Upper Northern 1 area that comprised of Maehongsorn, Chiengmai, Lampang and Lampoon Province. The purposive sampling method selected 20 informants from five informants of each provinces. The constructed interviewing form obtained the informants’ data, classified only the relevant research’s questions and revised for research finding.<br>The finding found that the instant garlic products were no outstanding of pharmaceutical features and characteristics, no intense marketing competition and availability by some companies with theirs brand as a selling point. Problems and obstacles for exporting represented the products and pricing with limited markets, low variety of products and higher price due to the production and packaging costs even if the raw material like garlic represented the economical price.</p> Uttavit Vittayakul Copyright (c) Fri, 13 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700 FACTORS INFLUENCING TO PURCHASING DECISION MAKING ON CONDOMINIUM IN BANGKOK. <p>The research objective aimed to study the factors influencing to purchasing decision making on condominium in Bangkok. The research methodology represented the qualitative approach with in-depth interviewing, the instrument was the questionnaire. The population represented the middle-sized condominium buyers in Bangkok. The samples selection was made by purposive sampling. The structured interviewing data were collected from the informants who bought the middle-sized condominium as the sample group. The data analysis represented the data extraction from interviewing data to obtain the relevant of research answering. The finding found that the marketing mix that consisted of product, price, place, promotion, people, physical evidence and process influencing the purchasing decision making.</p> Maneerat Suwannaket Copyright (c) Fri, 13 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700 DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES FOR ELDERS’ WELFARE ADMINISTRATION IN BANGKOK. <p>The research objectives represented 1) to study the nature of elders’ welfare administration in Bangkok and 2) to illustrate development guidelines for elders’ welfare administration in Bangkok. The qualitative research approached on in-depth interviewing through questionnaires. The population consisted of operators who operated with elders’ welfare in Bangkok. The sample selection represented purposive sampling on 15 districts from 50 districts. The in-depth interviewing was made for data collection. The data analysis was obtained with classified relevant contents in and reduced unrelated issues for summarizing them and answering research questions.<br>The research finding found that 1) the intense needs of elders’ welfare service represented the welfare in term of hygiene, welfare, life safety and amusement 2) the characteristics of welfare service consisted of five elements of freedom, participating, care, self-satisfaction achievement and admiration 3) the aspect of elders’ quality life activities that aimed to develop the elders’ quality life with three elements of social and mind adaptation, saving behavior and learning behavior 4) the successful promoting factors with three aspects with strenuous community, organization and network, involved development community with clearly supporting policies and clearly organizational supporting and promoting policies 5) the development guidelines of elders’ welfare service in lower Northern with six aspects 5.1) elders’ activities learning development to retired behavior 5.2) the aspects of welfare service 5.3) the potential of elders’ club 5.4) the organizational potential and elders’ health networking 5.5) the potential of health networking on temple and monks 5.6) the goals of quality of life and development on healthy communities.</p> Thanakorn Chindaduangratn Copyright (c) Fri, 13 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700 PROBLEMS, OBSTACLES AND DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES FOR CULTURAL HERITAGE TOURISM IN PHRA NAKHON SI AYUTTHAYA PROVINCE. <p>The research objectives of problems, obstacles and development guidelines for cultural heritage tourism in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province represented 1) to study problems and obstacles to develop the cultural heritage tourism in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province 2) to propose guidelines of cultural tourism development in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province. The research methodology approached by qualitative study with three steps, the first step, to study problems and obstacles of development in cultural heritage tourist attractions in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province through interviewing with ten targeted and key informants, the second step, to study the cultural heritage tourist attractions in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province with the related document and evidence of cultural historical sites in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province through on site data collection by observation and in-depth interviewing and the preceding step, to analyze, synthesis the obtained information from two steps above and propose the guidelines of development in cultural heritage tourist attractions.<br>The finding found that 1) problems, obstacles to development for cultural heritage tourism represented the unclear organizing of provincial tourism administration and no responsible committee, unclear development guidelines of cultural heritage tourist attractions and not attracted tourists and 2) the guidelines of cultural tourist attractions development consisted of (1) the potential and organizing of cultural tourist attractions development, solving the weaknesses of tourist attractions by government agencies, private organizations and related agencies including experience or expertise in tourism with pride and sense of ownership creation of the local people (2) the coordination with relevant agencies and experimentation on tourism provincial activities, the research recommendations represented the joint development of potential and organizing of the tourist attractions management model especially in the matter of establishing rules and regulations as guidelines for local people and tourists, publicizing tourist attractions to be known more as well as creating pilot tourism activities program.</p> Phangpan Khayprae Copyright (c) Fri, 13 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700 FACTORS INFLUENCING THE MEETING SERVICE SELECTION IN BANGKOK. <p>The research objective aimed to study factors that influencing the meetings service selection in Bangkok, the qualitative research methodology approached on in-depth and focus groups interviewing. The population represented 225 clients who were organizers and involved with the MICE activities. The research instrument represented constructed in-depth and groups interviewing forms that applied with purposive sampling on 30 organizations. The individual and groups interviewing obtained the data and classified only the relevant research’s questions and revised for research finding.<br>The finding found that factors influencing the meetings service selection with the most significant level in overall of five aspects as following (1) the innovative organizing (2) the product and service (3) the service processing (4) the personal and (5) the physical environments respectively, the factors influencing the meetings service selection with the middle significant level of four aspects as following (1) the marketing promotion (2) the channeling (3) the pricing and (4) the meeting experienced organizers.</p> Phanupong Boonmuang Copyright (c) Fri, 13 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700 CAUSAL ANTECEDENTS THAT AFFECT THE ORGANIZATIONAL ENGAGEMENT OF GENERATION Y EMPLOYEES IN GOVERNMENT SAVINGS BANK. <p>The purpose of this research were to study (1) the level of organizational climate, leadership, organizational culture, job satisfaction, and organizational engagement of generation Y employees in the Government Savings Bank. (2) to study the factors that affect the organizational engagement of generation Y employees in the Government Savings Bank. The population of the study were the sample group consisted of generation Y employees 343 people by using descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis in data analysis. The results showed that (1) the level of organizational climate, leadership, organizational culture, job satisfaction and organizational engagement of generation Y employees in the Government Savings Bank were at a high level. (2) Organizational climate, leadership, organizational culture, job satisfaction, these have an impact on organizational engagement.<br>Keyword: Organizational Climate, Leadership, Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Engagement, Generation Y Employees</p> Chatchawan Duangbubpha, Noppadol Burananat, Amnuay Pinphila Copyright (c) Fri, 13 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700 SUCCESS IN BUSINESS MANAGEMENT OF THE AIS TELEWIZ SHOP. <p>The telecommunication business has been increasingly playing more roles of connecting people and things around us. AIS has placed emphasis to continuously develop telecommunication technologies. Providing the best customer experience remains at the very core of AIS and its business. AIS has launched full 2G, 3G and 4G services covering 77 provinces all across Thailand as well as broadband internet services in 28 provinces. To maintain a position of leadership in the telecommunication business and to become a leading digital life service provider in Thailand, AIS aims to build and extend a strong network of business partners and together provide services from the heart to all customers.<br>Trends in technological development lead to changes in the customers’ behavior. Today, many customers enjoy using digital products and services that are convenient and fast. This leads to the continuous changes and growth in telecommunication, multimedia and IT products and services. It is a new opportunity as well as a new challenge for us to drive new development and innovations which can serve customer are changing demands.<br>AIS Telewiz is a marketing arm and is an agent of AIS, the number 1 concession provider of mobile communications systems in Thailand. AIS Telewiz has been in business for over 20 years. Currently, there are 439 AIS Telewiz shops nationwide. This has scope for operational management at the point of sale only. The service business is the same as the AIS Shop which is operated directly by AIS. AIS Telewiz can provide equivalent services such as changing promotions, selling mobile phones, and various mobile phone accessories, etc. But canceling the monthly system number can be done at AIS SHOP only. However, AIS Telewiz shops are low in profits and some are profitable or unprofitable.</p> Dararat Vichitsopapan, Chandej Charoenwiriyakul Copyright (c) Fri, 13 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700 CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AND BEHAVIOR OF USING NON-STICK COOKWARE PRODUCTS OF BANGKOK METROPOLITAN REGION. <p>The objective of this research is to compare customer satisfaction and behavior of using non-stick cookware products. And this research is quantitative research. Population and sample groups are 10,890,642 in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region. It is determined based on the Krejcie and Morgan's sample size calculation. And studied with a sample of 384 people who have used uncoated cookware and non-stick cookware in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region by testing the hypothesis with T-Test and One Way ANOVA statistics. Customer satisfaction with the service of non-stick cookware shops in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region is classified by personal factors, the results of the research revealed that the sample groups that have different sex, age, status, occupation and monthly income. Classified by the customer satisfaction with the service of non-stick cookware shops found that there are factors such as respond to customer needs, sufficient quantity, Multi-Function, and fast delivery. And if classified by behavior of using non-stick cookware products, it is found that there are differences depending on the sample with the purpose of buying the non-stick cookware and the person who is the most involved in the decision to buy non-stick cookware.</p> Sittichai Ruengcharungpong, Sudawan Somjai, Natnaporn Aeknarajindawat Copyright (c) Fri, 13 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700 FACTORS INFLUENCING THE SUSTAINABILITY OF THE OIL PALM INDUSTRY OF SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES IN THE SOUTHERN REGION. <p>This research is to study the factors that influence the sustainability of oil palm industry operations of small and medium sized enterprises in the southern region. The target population is executives, staff, or employees working within the palm oil crushing mill in the southern region. The tools used for data collection were In-depth interview. The research found that Government support, supply chain management, competitiveness, and entrepreneurial operations have an influence on the sustainability of palm oil industry operations of small and medium-sized enterprises in the southern region. In order to be certified according to the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) standards, which is a sustainable palm oil production standard that covers sustainability dimensions and is an internationally recognized standard. The sustainability of the oil palm industry must be achieved by focusing on improving the efficiency of the palm oil industry. Including participation from both the public and private sectors and entrepreneurs in the oil palm industry.</p> Wannarat Niramitsrichai, Sudawan Somjai, Duangkamon Konglua Copyright (c) Fri, 13 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700 FACTORS INFLUENCING CONSUMERS’ CREDIBILITY TOWARD ONLINE MARKETING. <p>The research objectives aimed to study 1) Customers credibility toward the online marketing 2) Factors influencing customers’ credibility toward the online marketing. The qualitative research methodology approached by in-depth interviewing, the population represented consumers who used online market regularly. The 30 samples were selected by purposive sampling method. The research instrument represented the interviewing form, data collection was made by face-to-face interviewing with the focus group through constructed interviewing form. The data analysis was made by data classifying and extracted information to be relevant information for answering research questions. The finding found consumers had the shortage time and low attention span on various digital contents that influenced the creating attractive websites. Consumers required seconds to decide whether to stay or leave from that website that dilemma made the turning point of gaining or losing customers. The credibility of websites made the longer attention span of the customer and staying on websites especially the E-commerce. The marketers should beware of the customers’ credibility on the personal data securities that consumers expected on the reliable and data protection, therefore, designing a credible website contributed consumers relied on personal data for websites.</p> Chonlada Srisuwan Copyright (c) Fri, 13 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700 GUIDELINES OF DEVELOPMENT AND PROMOTION IN SPORTY TOURISM FOR HEALTH AND RECREATIONS: A STUDY OF RUNNING FOR HEALTH AND RECREATIONS OF HIGHER-EDUCATION STUDENTS. <p>The objectives of research aimed 1) To study the geographic of Thailand that appropriated with sporty tourism in running 2) To study guidelines of development and promotion in sporty tourism for health and recreations. The qualitative research approached on in-depth interviewing and participative observation, the research instruments represented in the forms of questionnaire and observation. The research population represented the higher-education students, running coaches and running organizers. The 30 participants of sample group who came from every area of Bangkok and perimeter, were selected by purposive sampling method. The data collection was obtained by interviewing and observation forms with joining and observation in the running tournament. Data distribution and extraction of unrelated data were made for data analysis that reached to answer research questions.<br>The geographical characteristics of Thailand, especially Bangkok and its perimeter consisted of mostly community areas and also with horrendous traffic, lack of specific areas for running activities. Therefore, the running activity should be organized on holidays and closed roads for the tournament to promote the running activities to participants.<br>Guidelines of development and promotion in sporty tourism for health and recreations of higher-education students were found that 1) To encourage students to love the running 2) To provide increased activities during running 3) To provide rewarding incentive in joining 4) To cultivate consciousness of running exercise with reduced cost.</p> Mayurapas Patcharasappaisan Copyright (c) Fri, 13 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700 GUIDELINES OF ELDERS’ POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IN BANGKOK AND PERIMETER. <p>The research objectives “Guidelines of Elders’ Potential Development in Bangkok and Perimeter” aimed to study the potential of elders and guidelines to develop elders’ potential for adding economic and social value in Bangkok and perimeter that according with bodies of knowledge and elders’ rights. The population of the qualitative research represented elders and the participants from relevant institutes in Bangkok and perimeter. The research objectives “Guidelines of Elders’ Potential Development in Bangkok and Perimeter” aimed to study the potential of elders and guidelines to develop elders’ potential for adding economic and social value in Bangkok and perimeter that according with bodies of knowledge and elders’ rights. The finding found that. 1) The aspect of elders’ potential was found that the self-caring of elders represented activities’ style in term of physical, mental, emotional and social including self-worth creation and transferring. Elders had bodies of knowledge and various local wisdoms and transferring them to youth. Supporting factors represented participation, interest, and aptitude of elders and the received benefits, networking and supporting from government and private sectors. 2) The aspect of elders’ potential development guidelines for adding value in economic and social in Bangkok and perimeter, considering the potential of elders both in terms of knowledge, bodies of Knowledge and wisdom of the elders including adding social value, adding economic value guidelines for career creation to elders in Bangkok and perimeter in addition of elders’ rights protection and preservation in Bangkok and perimeter that proposed three according policies to relevant institutes.</p> Rachada Fongtanakit Copyright (c) Fri, 13 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700 FACTORS INFLUENCING OF DECISION MAKING ON USED CARS’ PURCHASING IN BANGKOK <p>The research objectives aimed 1) To examine factors influencing of the decision making on used cars’ purchasing in Bangkok that 7P’s comprised of product, price, place, promotion, people, process and physical characteristics and 2) To compare the influencing of personal factors and decision making on used cars’ purchasing in Bangkok.<br>The sample represented 384 used cars’ customers in Bangkok and collected from the purposive sampling method, the research instruments represented the constructed questionnaires with statistical analysis on percentage, frequency, mean and standard deviation. The statistical hypothesis testing was done in the term of t-test, F-test and bilateral comparison by Least Significant Difference method.<br>The finding found that 1) Most of the sample represented males with 25-35 years old, bachelor’s degree background, corporate employees in occupation with 20,001-30,000 Baht of income 2) Factors significantly influenced in the most statistical overall level to the decision making on used cars’ purchasing in Bangkok. Considering of each factor found that the most influencing factors toward the decision making on purchasing represented product and price, the significant influencing factors such as promotion, processes, physical characteristics, place and people in descending respectively.</p> Atchareeya Bhuddhachinorossakul Copyright (c) Fri, 13 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700 STRENGTH, WEAKNESS, OPPORTUNITY, THREAT AND GUIDELINES ON DEVELOPMENT OF CULTURAL TOURISM IN LESS-VISITED AREA IN NONGKHAI. <p>The research objectives aimed to study the strength, weakness, opportunity, threat and guidelines on development of cultural tourism in less-visited area in Nongkhai. The approach of the qualitative research represented in-depth and focus group interviewing, the population represented the head of relevant official agents, scholars and local participants, the sample selection was made one participant per district. The data were collected from the documentary and on-site surveying, observation, interviewing, group discussion and processed with triangulation, purposive analysis and finding discussion. The finding found that besides a place of worship for Buddhist rituals, there were also attractive things that could be developed to be valuable cultural tourism and could be applied for tourist attractions development.</p> Amara Aree Copyright (c) Fri, 13 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700 COMPETITIVE POTENTIAL FOR COSMETICS EXPORTING TO MIDDLE EAST COUNTRIES <p>The research aimed to assess the competitive potential for cosmetics exporting to Middle East countries. The qualitative research approached by in-depth and group interviewing, the population represented 195 exporting manufacturers who were certified the standard of Good Manufacturing Practice: GMP, Halal and Hazard analysis and critical control points: HACCP. The 25 manufacturers as samples were selected by purposive sampling and interviewed the informants with the constructed open-ended questionnaire and group interviewing. The data collection was performed according to constructed interviewing form on appointment, synthesized and extracted data to be research answering.<br>The finding found that the crucial competition on this industry, however many customers nevertheless bought cosmetics and the distinctive difference generated the more sales.</p> Nat-arpa Butsa Copyright (c) Fri, 13 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700 QUALITY DEVELOPMENT ON PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION IN THAILAND <p>The qualitative research approached by in-depth interviewing and group discussion with organizational leaders, head of government agencies from all departments and analyzed the data from the internal documents of the departments that won the superior level of departmental evaluation of the serviced departments such as Department of Community Development, Department of Cooperative Promotion, Department of Cooperative Auditing and the policies making departments represented the Office of the Permanent Secretary, the Department of Trade Negotiations and provincial agencies. The finding found that the serviced departments prioritized the quality of public administration to promote of effective and efficiency, most of the activities focused on the client’s satisfaction or public hearing from stakeholders. The serviced departments offered the experience in body of knowledge exchanging in innovation servicing with outsiders. The policies making departments prioritized the work systems standard and focused on policies making, ministerial plans with other agencies to implement but not to be full servicing. The provincial agencies were certified the good service level who maintained the local involvement by the on-site meeting, activities and public hearing, but the provincial weakness represented the competencies enhancement according to the environments of economic and social because of staff rotation in the areas.</p> Kanyarat Chongwilaikasem Copyright (c) Fri, 13 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700 FACTORS AFFECTING LONG-TERM HEALTH CARE INSURANCE FOR ELDERS’ WELFARE PROMOTION <p>The research objective aimed to examine predicting factors of long-term health care insurance for elders’ welfare promotion, step 1 to study for analysis and synthesis factors of long-term health care insurance for elders’ welfare promotion, the qualitative research approached by analysis and synthesis the related ten domestic and international literatures and journal researches about long-term health care insurance for elders’ welfare promotion.<br>The research finding found affecting factors represented the requirement for long-term caring of elders, caring from relatives, community networking, public policies and health caring welfares. Step 2 the quantitative studying affecting factors by long-term health care insurance for elderly’s welfare promotion on the 400 sample who represented the clients of public caring and aged 60-70 years old, consciousness and volunteered for answering in Bangkok and perimeter. The sample size was calculated by Krejcie &amp; Morgan formula, data collection made by questionnaire and statistical descriptive and multiple regression with .95 statistic confidential level. The finding found factors represented the requirement for long-term caring of elders, caring from relatives, community networking, public policies and health caring welfares.</p> Amnaj Prasitdumrong, Pornkul Suksod, Sudawan Somjai Copyright (c) Fri, 13 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700 HOW TO IMPROVE INITIAL TEACHER EDUCATION IN THAILAND : A REVIEW OF LITERATURE. <p>Thailand has launched its 20-Year National Strategy, a national development plan consisting of six areas, and human resource development is one of them. It is certain that education is one of the keys to developing human resource. In the present, there are still many problems with Thai education system which need to be solved and teachers undeniably play an important role in developing the education system into a more efficient one. In additional to that, problems in relation to teachers have continuously arisen. Although many policies aiming to support and solve educational problems have been implemented by the government, these problems cannot be permanently solved. This research study examines initial teacher education in Thailand and abroad in order to present its relevant factors which affect initial teacher education and to present this version of initial teacher preparation model in developing teacher training in the near future. The factors influencing initial teacher education are divided into two groups: internal and external factors. External factors are as follows: (1) governmental policies involving initial teacher education, (2) initial teacher preparation system and standard, and (3) stakeholders‘ needs while (1) initial teacher preparation objective, (2) initial teacher preparation curriculum, (3) initial teacher preparation instruction (4) initial teacher preparation profession practice, and (5) initial teacher preparation support are internal factors. It is undeniable that initial teacher education is directly affected by both internal and external factors.</p> Thanon Phunsapphaisan Copyright (c) Fri, 13 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700 FACTORS INFLUENCING THE SELECTION OF PRIVATE HOSPITALS. <p>The purpose of this research represented to study factors influencing the selection of private hospitals. The instruments of quantitative research represented the closed-end questionnaire that was constructed according to the literature’s guidelines. The population represented clients as patients of ten leading hospitals. The sample was selected with the formula or unknown number of populations; the 384 sample sizes were determined and obtained data by constructed questionnaires including the statistical analyzing with path analysis. The finding discovered factors influencing the selection of private hospitals with the most significant of service quality that depended on service responsiveness without errors and customer perception of value.</p> Phattharin Somjan Copyright (c) Fri, 13 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700 FACTORS INFLUENCING THE PATIENTS’ ACCEPTANCE TOWARDS MUSIC THERAPY PROGRAM IN HOSPITALS IN BANGKOK. <p>Music therapy is a field of contemporary therapeutic disciplines that combine art, science, and humanity works with a wide range of population with various ages and abilities, starting from infanthood to the end of life and treats to individuals who are in need in term of five functional domains that music therapy usually works with: physical systems, cognition, communication, emotions, and culture/society. In Thailand, music therapy profession is a new field and is not known vastly. Due to the lack of music therapist numbers, only a few hospitals have music therapy program allocated which is opposite to the western side where music therapy gains more popularity. Therefore, this paper aims to seek out what could make individuals accept and intend to use music therapy as their treatment. This conceptual research will investigate a multitude of factors including perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and attitude, to determine the factors affecting the patients’ acceptance towards music therapy program in hospitals in Bangkok. From the 300 individuals who have experienced in receiving care from Hospitals in Bangkok surveyed and analyzed by use of a structural equation model by SmartPLS software. It is expected that perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and attitude will be the factors affecting the patients’ acceptance towards music therapy program in hospitals in Bangkok.</p> Smatya Wathawathana Copyright (c) Fri, 13 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700 GUIDELINES FOR SERVICE QUALITY DEVELOPMENT AND OPERATIONAL SYSTEMS OF POLICE OFFICERS IN THAILAND : A STUDY OF POLICE STATIONS. <p>The research objectives aimed to study the guidelines for service quality development and operational systems of police officers on the police stations. The research methodology approached on qualitative methods with the population who represented the head of the police station or superintendent and 30 officers were selected by purposive sampling. The research instruments represented in-depth interview and focus group discussion, the data analysis was obtained by the synthesis from the interview issues and extracted them for only answering research questions. The finding revealed that the significant issues of development of service quality and operational systems as following 1) Organizational and administrative improvement 2) Fighting with all forms of corruption 3) Making the police officers to be reliable to people 4) Fairness on judicial enforcement.</p> Jakkapong Maenmek Copyright (c) Fri, 13 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700 CORRUPTION PROBLEM SOLVING IN THAI SOCIETY BASED ON GOOD GOVERNANCE. <p>Thai society is facing many problems such as economic problem, social problem, environmental problem, prostitute problem, and so on. But there is one problem which Thai society does not pay sufficient attention and this problem still maintains its importance in the current Thai society that is “corruption problem.” Corruption problem solving requires an application of various methods and cooperation from each sector as a mass problem solving. The theories that support this kind of problem solving are various, such as “state of law theory, or state ruled by law”, which means state that is ruled or controlled by law, and “the principle to examine the government power”, which the power of the government can be examined by public and private sector, and so on. Currently, in Thailand there are some groups of people or organizations whether public or private trying to examine the operation of the government. This article presents the ways to solve corruption problems at two levels: Individual level, this level is to create immunity in ethics and professional code of conduct; and social level, this level is to apply good governance principles, which are appeared or existed in Thai society. This depends on how each sector, can join hand in the real and continuous implementation, starting from family, school, organization, community and society in order to create the system of good governance administration in each section of the society.</p> Salinee Raggatanyoo, Krittapol Thongdonpum Copyright (c) Fri, 13 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700 KEY SUCCESS FACTORS FOR SMART CITY DEVELOPMENT <p>Growth of a city opens up economic opportunities and a larger job market that encourages the relocation of the country’s population from its suburbs into the city. As a result of the rapid urbanization, cities are confronted by many major issues and problems. The focus of urban development turns to smart cities as tools to mitigate the ramifications caused by population influx to improve the lives of citizens. The objective of this study is to determine The objective of this study is to determine The objective of this study is to determine The objective of this study is to determine The objective of this study is to determine The objective of this study is to determine The objective of this study is to determine The objective of this study is to determine The objective of this study is to determine The objective of this study is to determine The objective of this study is to determine The objective of this study is to determine The objective of this study is to determine The objective of this study is to determine The objective of this study is to determine The objective of this study is to determine The objective of this study is to determine The objective of this study is to determine The objective of this study is to determine The objective of this study is to determine The objective of this study is to determine The objective of this study is to determine The objective of this study is to determine The objective of this study is to determine The objective of this study is to determine The objective of this study is to determine The objective of this study is to determine The objective of this study is to determine The objective of this study is to determine The objective of this study is to determine The objective of this study is to determine The objective of this study is to determine The objective of this study is to determine The objective of this study is to determine The objective of this study is to determine The objective of this study is to determine The objective of this study is to determine The objective of this study is to determine The objective of this study is to determine The objective of this study is to determine The objective of this study is to determine The objective of this study is to determine The objective of this study is to determine the key factors that leads to success of smart city development. For sthe key factors that leads to the success of smart city development. For sthe key factors that leads to the success of smart city development. For sthe key factors that leads to the success of smart city development. For s the key factors that leads to success of smart city development. For sthe key factors that leads to the success of smart city development. For sthe key factors that leads to the success of smart city development. For s the key factors that leads to success of smart city development. For sthe key factors that leads to the success of smart city development. For sthe key factors that leads to the success of smart city development. For sthe key factors that leads to the success of smart city development. For sthe key factors that leads to the success of smart city development. For sthe key factors that leads to the success of smart city development. For sthe key factors that leads to the success of smart city development. 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and systems of the information communications technology (ICT) required to re and systems of the information communications technology (ICT) required to re and systems of the information communications technology (ICT) required to re and systems of the information communications technology (ICT) required to re and systems of the information communications technology (ICT) required to re and systems of the information communications technology (ICT) required to re and systems of the information communications technology (ICT) required to re and systems of the information communications technology (ICT) required to re and systems of the information communications technology (ICT) required to re and systems of the information communications technology (ICT) required to re and systems of the information communications technology (ICT) required to re and systems of the information communications technology (ICT) required to re and systems of the information communications technology (ICT) required to re and systems of the information communications technology (ICT) required to re and systems of the information communications technology (ICT) required to re and systems of the information communications technology (ICT) required to re and systems of the information communications technology (ICT) required to re and systems of the information communications technology (ICT) required to support smart smart smart smart smart smart smart smart smart smart smart smart smart smart smart smart smart smart smart smart</p> Pahfun Chittmittrapap, Ruedej Gerdwichai, Sudawan Somjai Copyright (c) Fri, 13 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700 SOCIAL MANAGEMENT TO PREVENT THAI SOCIAL CONFLICT <p>Thailand is one of the countries which have a long period of history in the world. It has prominence in its culture that can be traced back from the past to the present, which is consisted of archeological site reflecting the growth and prosperity of Buddhism as the main religion which plays an important role to people in the country. Thailand is consisted of various ethnic groups, and each group has its own history and interesting culture. Even though, Thailand has many ethnic groups and tribes, but Thai people maintains living together with peace. This reflects that Thailand has good social management from the past to the present, which makes Thai society live together with harmony and unity. It can be said that the factor which plays an important role in social management from the past to the present is Buddhism. Buddhism is the spiritual anchor, which unites Thai people to be a harmonized society; and this can be seen from various cultural heritages. For the above reasons, Thailand has been accepted as the city of the yellow robe of Buddhism.</p> Jagraval Sukmaitree, Phramed havinaiyaros Copyright (c) Fri, 13 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700 THE INFLUENCE OF EMPLOYEE WELBEING, EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION, EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE FOR TOURISM FIRM PERFORMANCE IN THAILAND. <p>Tourism is a major economic contributor to the Kingdom of Thailand. In 2018, Thailand had 1,433.50 billion baht in tourism income, or 9.7% of the country's GDP and the employment rate increased by 15.5%. In the year 2019, tourists increased by 4%, employment rate increased by 5.5% or equivalent to 6,154,000 positions. The growth and increasing number of tourists have resulted in the expansion or opening of more travel companies, causing more competition and employee turnover, therefore affecting service quality and tourism firm performance. The study found that the factors which had the highest influence on the tourism firm performance in Thailand were employee well-being, employee engagement, and employee motivation, respectively.</p> Mullika Sanpakdee, Sudawan Somjai, Pornkul Suksod Copyright (c) Fri, 13 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700 ALLEVIATING THE PROBLEM OF RECEIVING EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR CHILDREN OF MIGRANT WORKERS IN SAMUT SAKHON PROVINCE <p>The study was aimed to investigate the effectiveness of the educational opportunities of the children of foreign workers in the province to study the laws and policies of the government in effectively managing the educational opportunities of the children of foreign workers in the province, and to offer advice. the development of management education to the children of foreign workers in various policy areas. The children of migrant workers in Samut Sakhon. It was a qualitative research. Data were collected by interview. The group is a major contributor 3 with the 30- person group include: 1. Education and the Center for the Study of water for migrant children. Group 2. The educational institutions under the Local Administrative Organization and Group 3. The Foundation, etc., then bring to systematic conclusion. There are reasoning and reference theories for organizing data, which has found that<br>1. Effective management education of children of migrant workers in Samut Sakhon province by province, Samut Sakhon, a province in the pilot study on aid coordination and promotion of the private sector for child labor. Must look after the basic rights to access to education of children of foreign workers. Especially the legal formulation Improvement of regulations regarding evidence in Admissions Attend school in accordance with the National Education Act and compulsory education law. In order to open the opportunity for people to receive a thorough education<br>2. Problems and obstacles resulting from parents / guardians not seeing the benefits of The children in the study since many can not connect to a day on the ice deeper than language of the country of origin because of their different education systems, such as education. Or the scoring system while many workers There is hope that he will eventually return. Country of origin, all with no government guidelines that clarify the ice deeper study of de iron , B, this according to population statistics comprising the Company 's profile at communicating to the school is not at Beach Hotel only of sight and no attention. cover similar objects , do not give this plant Rain gear and several were part of a day , no part of the Company 's updated store b project according to population statistics into the the red color Jn.<br>3. Suggestions This research should study the suitability to the context of the school. Which the educational institution may arrange to study in any form or all three forms By taking into account the differences in geography, basics, culture, way of life, the context of society, communities, living and economic conditions, as well as giving away opportunities for government agencies and Private capital has contributed to the plant's transmission Union in the education of children of migrant workers in Samut Sakhon next.</p> Papassorn Woraphat Thirakun, Paphatsorn Wora phatthirakul, Ketsarin Wimonthada Copyright (c) Fri, 13 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700 CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION TO CLOSE THE SKILLS GAP. <p>Career and technical education could be an essential element in developing a work force capable of handling a new period in technical industries.<br>America was built on the back of blue collar workers pursuing highly skilled careers in ever changing fields. Everything from the railroads to the modern day textile industry wouldn’t have been possible without jobs in the career technology positions. Before the years between 1776-1826 regular schooling consisted of classroom learning and core academic subjects. However during the period of time known as The Awakening, apprenticeships were incorporated into regular schooling as an opportunity for students to have a hands on learning experience in a real trade.<br>As time went on schools began to make this a regular part of the curriculum and bills were passed to support and further explore career and technical training. This set the foundation for modern CTE These courses are considered electives, not academic courses, but it may be time for America to consider these CTE courses as just as important if not more than regular required academic classes. Many people believe that career and technical education is nothing more than an elective with less important academic lessons than core subject, but despite these beliefs, career and technical education should be an essential and equal part of every school curriculum and deserves a more substantial amount of funding.<br>The first nationwide acceptance of CTE did not come until after the first world war when citizens needed workforce training in order to re-enter the working world. This mass acceptance and necessity for adults built the bridge into adult education. Although technical skills grounded in academics, workplace skills, and personal skills are the most important aspects of obtaining and performing a career at peak proficiency, there is an enormous deficiency in these areas nationally and globally. This is known as the Skills Gap. A survey conducted by the Manpower Group and reported by the Harvard Business Review says “35% of 38,000 employers reported difficulty filling jobs due to lack of available talent; in the US., 39% of employers did.” (Employers Aren’t) This is especially true for middle-skill jobs.<br>A prime example of the Skills Gap in the U.S. state of Colorado. Middle- skill jobs account for 50 percent of their labor market but only 40% of the state’s workforce is properly trained to the level of proficiency required for the job (National Skills Coalition). A common solution to this problem is on the job training for new hires. This may sound like it would solve many issues but according to a Training Industry Report, in 2014 the annual training budgets for US. small businesses, each business having a minimum of 100 employees, was $308,000(Taylor, Tess). After all these costs, time training, and resources being poured into newly hired employees- they still don’t meet the skill level and are terminated. This creates a cycle of hiring and firing costing small businesses time and money and halting them from expanding.<br>It’s recommended by the Automatic Data Processing Incorporation that “Recruiting only the most skilled employees, retaining them for as long as possible and using performance reviews to identify training needs early on,”(The Costs). This would be extremely logical and practical, if there were enough skilled workers to fill the jobs. One of the goals of modern high school education is to prepare graduates to enter a work force and be ready to be a working member of society. If this effort was successful</p> Sky Eno Copyright (c) Fri, 13 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700 SURABAYA CITY AS THE CENTRE OF INDONESIAN DEFENCE HERITAGE TOURISM <p>This paper, that would be presented in Los Angeles International Business Education Social Sciences Tourism and Technology, 12-13 December 2019, has proposed Surabaya city as the centre of Indonesian defence heritage tourism. To analyse the importance of Surabaya city for Indonesian history, this paper is using the theory of Historiography by March Bloch and to analyse the future of Surabaya city, this paper is using the theory of Defence Heritage and Modernism.<br>This paper is aimed to give the new perspective on tourism aspect, that is defence heritage aspect. As the colonized nation, Indonesia has several historical buildings as the proof of people’s struggling and has a potency to be developed as defence heritage destination or business sector in tourism industry.<br>This paper is choosing Surabaya city because historical proof that Surabaya was the centre of fortress of colonization and also its local government has a lot of concern of preserving old buildings more intensive, than other government in other Indonesian provinces.</p> Mohammad Suryadi Syarif, Abdul Rahman Ghani, Jeanne Francoise Copyright (c) Fri, 13 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700 CHARACTER ADAPTATION OF THE PLAY “TOWARDS ZERO” (PHAENSANGHARN) <p>Towards Zero,‟ a novel by Agatha Christie, an English writer praised as the „Queen of Crime,‟ was first published in the United States in June 1944, and later adapted to the play by Gerald Verner in 1956, first performed in September 1956 at the St. James Theatre. It was then developed into a film called „Innocent Lies,‟ which wasn‟t a great success, unfortunately. Apart from being remade into the French version called „L'Heure Zéro‟ in 2007, the novel was also adapted to the ITV‟s series in the same year. In 2010, the novel‟s first version of a radio drama was made. Each episode of 30 minutes was broadcasted on BBC4 radio channel (Agathachristie, 2010). The novel „Towards Zero‟ becomes popular thanks to its great plot twist, interesting theme and sophisticated relationships among characters. Readers, after reading, will be left with sympathy, pity or even disgust for these round characters, clearly and truly reflecting ordinary people who are both noble and wicked. The reason the researcher as the director of the play has chosen the novel is the proper numbers of characters for students‟ Art Thesis Exhibition 2019. However, because there are more female than male students, gender adaptation for characters from men to women in the play is then required. The change is made without key themes or messages being exploited. Another reason for the novel selection and adaptation to a Thai play is the researcher‟s personal favor in crime novels and plays.</p> Apisara Yuttharot, Sun Tawalwongsri Copyright (c) Fri, 13 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700 USING VOICE TRAINING ACTIVITIES FOR TRAIN THE TRAINER PROGRAM IN PRIVATE ORGANIZATION <p>The research objectives are 1) Creating the activities and procedures of Voice training for Train the Trainer Program 2) Studying the result of student’s satisfaction after learning. The target group of this program is personnel in the leading private convenience organizations in Thailand. There are 2 groups which have 40 persons. The results of this study are as follows:<br>1) Using the voice training activities as same as actor practices in the class room consists of 6 steps : Breathing in and out, Short and long breathing exercises, Voice training through the words R A E O OU, Practicing utterance through counting, Practicing utterance through various conversations and the subjects that the learners teach. Using the same voice training practices as actors do in the acting class because most of learners have problems with low volume and lack of vocal power. In addition, their classrooms may not have good sound equipment. Therefore, it is better to rely on their own voice clearly.<br>2) The result of student’s satisfaction after learning Voice Training Activities is at a very good level. Most of students also comment that Voice Training Activities are useful and</p> Kusuma Teppharak Copyright (c) Fri, 13 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700 SURREALISM ARTS TO SCENIC DESIGN: A CASE STUDY OF GAME PLON KON TAI A STAGE PLAY <p>This article aims to study scenic design of Game Plon Kon Tai, the adaptation of stage play “Loot” written by Joe Orton. The creative research focuses on the surrealist set design, creative process and design analysis of this adapted stage play in Thai version. Thai stage director, Nattaporn Rattanachaiwong who adapted and translated Loot into Thai contexts would like the surreal imagery into set design. The researcher as the set designers was inspired by The Son of Man, the surrealist painting of Rene Magritte. The surrealist imagery was displayed through the story, shapes and symbols of scenic design. Finally, the research found that 1) The limited budget of theatre production (the external factor) and 2) The director’s concept (the internal factor) are affected to adjust the shape, the structure and surrealist images of this set design.</p> Pukkaporn Pimsarn Copyright (c) Fri, 13 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700 FACTORS AFFECTING STUDENT’S DECISION MAKING PROCESS TO STUDY IN THEATRE ARTS PROGRAM AT SUAN SUNANDHA RAJABHAT UNIVERSITY. <p>The article aims to study the factors that affect SSRU (Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University) student’s decision making process to study Theatre Arts Program. The population of this research was year 1 students who study in Theatre Arts Program at Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts in 1/2562 Semester 2019. The research used a questionnaire collecting data, analyzing data by determining the frequency percentage and average values including focus group interview. A total of 70 questionnaires were used in this study. The demographic information show that most of students are in Bangkok and perimeter. Most students are female, aged between 18-20 years old. The research found that Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University reputation ranking of Rajabhat University No.1 is the main point for public relations. It also affects for student’s decision making to study in Theatre Arts Program at SSRU. Moreover there are top five factors affected student’s decision making to study in Theatre Arts Program are as follows: the factor of products and services, price, place, promotion and distribution. These factor are related to Personal intention, Career expectation, Image of the program, The University’s location and the system of teaching and learning.</p> Sun Tawalwongsri Copyright (c) Fri, 13 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700 BREAKDANCE CHOREOGRAPHY IN “HERN” THAI CONTEMPORARY DANCE PERFORMANCE. <p>The article “Breakdance Choreography in Hern Thai Contemporary Dance Performance” aims to study the process of dance fusion between Breakdance and the arts of Northern Thai folk Dance in Hern Thai Contemporary Dance piece. The research found that 1) Blending Breakdancing and King-ka-la bird dance was created the unique of dance fusion which emphasizes on stationary postures, shaking the body and the acrobatic step in the air. These dance elements can convey many kinds of emotion of the bird character. 2) The body movements of Breakdancing allow to increase dance skills and techniques in Tai Yai martial arts form. 3) Blending Breakdancing and Northern Thai Dances make the dancers realize the understanding of Thai performance and local wisdom. Moreover the movements of this dance fusion represented the symbolic of ethnicity and culture traditions. It is a reflection between human relations, imagination and creation. The process of Hern contemporary dance creation, therefore, represents the identity of Tai Yai ethnic people through new kinds of dance fusion.</p> Wanasak Padungsestakit Copyright (c) Fri, 13 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700